Wood floor sanding is a critical step in the refinishing process. K&B Custom Floors will take your floor to the next level and prepare them for the refinishing process. Our professional process guarantees to strip away imperfections and smooth out and polish your wood floor surface prior to the refinishing process. Let us restore your existing floors to their original beauty or sand your newly installed floors.
We have many colors to choose from so we can bring your hardwood floor back to its original color or go with a color that now matches your décor and colors.
In addition to creating beautiful, custom floors for your home, we want your family to be as comfortable as possible during your installation or refinishing.
Many customers ask about dust containment. We have the same concerns. While we can't completely remove the possiblity of dust, we work very hard to reduce it as much as we can. Heavy filtration, HEPA dust collectors, plastic screening and careful sanding help keep our dust levels to a minimum.
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